Elite Physique Training Articles

Molten Chocolate Lava Cake

We all deserve a little treat once in a while. The Body Upgrade philosophy is that you should be able to enjoy whatever you soul’s craving, providing you ‘deserve’ it as a reward for staying on track with your fitness routine. There’s nothing better than getting a pat on the back with some gooey melt-in-middle chocolate cake. And in true Body Upgrade style there’s nothing to even feel guilty about here, as this is one chocolate cake that wont make you feel like a bloated gassy mess afterwards.Read More »Molten Chocolate Lava Cake

From Beer Keg to Six-Pack – What It Takes

Most of us want a more defined mid-section. As far back as the ancient Greeks, statues of god-like men with literally chiselled out abs were the ultimate show of athleticism, health and virility. Imagine in another 2000 year’s what statues representing todays modern man might look like!? Slightly overweight and sat at a desk maybe. Either way not very god-like….Read More »From Beer Keg to Six-Pack – What It Takes