If your glutes workout needs some inspiration then check out our latest YouTube video on the tEAM eat channel.
Coach Gareth Sapstead and Coach and Bikini Pro Mel Lambert take you through 5 deadlift variations you might not have seen or tried before, how and why you might use them in your own glutes workouts, and important technique tips and modifications.
Time Stamps:
- 00:35 – Single Leg RDL over the Bar
- 03:45 – Sissy Bench Single Leg RDL
- 05:34 – Seated Sumo Deadlift (with dumbbell)
- 08:48 – Bench Supported Cable RDL
- 10:47 – Belt Squat RDL
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I build Olympians, Cover Models and those who want to look like them. Author or “Ultimate Abs” available in all good book stores.