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Better band shoulder dislocates

In the first of a new series, “exercise upgrade” articles are straight to the point tips on how you might improve or better a common exercise. Today it’s the turn of Band Shoulder Dislocates…

Band shoulder dislocates

Band Shoulder Dislocates are a staple exercise to unglue your shoulders. They prep you ready for things bench pressing, overhead pressing and the like. However, there are some common errors seen when many perform them.

These can be easily fixed with a slight modification. There are also ways to upgrade Band Shoulder Dislocates to make them work even better for you. Here’s what they should look like using the traditional technique done correctly:

The upgrade

Try performing your Band Shoulder Dislocates in a bent-over position, and add “wrap-arounds”. Here’s what that should look like…


Bending over – The most common error is performing dislocates with an extended spine and flared ribs when reaching the band overhead and behind. A good fix for it is doing your band dislocates in a bent-over position as opposed to standing upright. The bent-over position makes it almost impossible to overextend. 

“Wrap-arounds” – Adding “wrap-arounds” was an idea I originally got from Weightlifting Coach Tom Morrison. I’ve modified the technique a little though to work well in the bent-over position – pulling the band in to your knees is more comfortable here and better aligned.

Pulling the band in to your knees will get some activation out of your lats and posterior delts. Pulling the band in to your back as you reach behind will further engage your pecs and serratus anterior. 

This is all good stuff for your shoulders health and pressing performance and an easy modification to start using right away.


Do sets of 10 Band Shoulder Dislocates as a warm-up drill, or a throw some reps in between your sets of chest or tricep work. Hold the band as narrow as you need to. You should feel the stretch in your pecs and biceps, and a hard contraction in all the previously mentioned areas.

If you’re struggling with a particular exercise, or have a good idea for one that needs a fix, please comment below for the chance for it to be featured in the next quick fix article.

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