The Fitness Maverick

The best hamstring curl you can’t do (until now)!

Nordic hamstring curls started appearing in research papers back in 2001. Among many benefits, they’ve been shown to recruit your hamstrings to a greater level than traditional hamstring curl variations, as well as stiff-legged deadlifts (1). 

The Nordic hamstring curl can also help you develop insane hamstring strength, while bulletproofing you from potential injury – They help prevent annoying hamstring strains that plague pretty much any athlete involved in running or sprinting. They also improve hamstring to quadriceps strength ratios, translating in to healthier knees.

There’s only one thing holding you back from trying them, though, and that’s your need for a partner in order to do them successfully. The biggest obstacle is needing a gym buddy or coach to hold down your feet.

Besides the intense difficulty of Nordic curls and enhanced likelihood of you face-planting, it’s likely the only thing holding you back from trying them is a partner. Here’s how you can do them yourself, and without any specialist equipment.


The barbell’s pinned against the rack with enough weight on the bar to keep it planted when you’re moving. This needs to equate to more than your bodyweight.

You then need to place a smaller donut on the floor to stop the bar rolling. The bar will be wedged between the rack and the donut.

You can also do this without a rack. All it would require is you load a heavy weight on the bar then wedge large plates either side of the loaded plates so it doesn’t roll. Go with whatever works best with the space you’ve available.



Progressing Nordic curls

As this is a moderately advanced exercise, I’d suggest using a proper progression. Something like this eccentric progression would work:

  1. Manual Eccentric Hamstring Curls or 2/1 Method Hamstring Curls
  2. Band Assisted Nordic Curls – band overhead
  3. Band Assisted Nordic Curls – band at chest height
  4. Nordic Hamstring Eccentrics (as shown here)
  5. Loaded Nordic Hamstring Eccentrics (DB or med ball on chest)

Nordic hamstring curls can help you develop insane hamstring strength, and build more resilient hamstrings and knees. Progressed and executed properly they’re the best hamstrings exercise you’ve never been able to try, until now! 

P.s., please feel free to share this article with anyone it might want to try (cue global face planting epidemic!).

(1) Ebben et al. (2006). Electromyographic analysis of hamstring resistance training exercises

(2) Sarabon et al. (2019). Kinematic and electromyographic analysis of variations in Nordic hamstring exercise.  

(3) Seymour et al. (2017). The Effect of Nordic Hamstring Strength Training on Muscle Architecture, Stiffness, and Strength. 

Find out about the Maverick Glutes and Hamstrings Guide HERE.

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