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5 Cruel and Unusual Chest Exercises to Spice Up Your Workouts


Most of us have our own go-to chest exercises that we either know, like and and stick to. But when was the last time you asked if what you’re doing right now is actually working for you. Add some variety and see if there are some better options. Try these cruel cruel and unusual chest exercises. 

1 // Low Incline Guillotine Press

The Guillotine Press is similar to the bench press, except you lower the bar down to your lower neck area. A wider grip than normal is also used to maximise pectoral muscle recruitment. This exercise can be done on the flat bench, but using a low incline instead really does make a big difference.

Lowering the bar towards your neck allows a greater range of motion and deeper stretch in the bottom position of the press. Taking your chest in to this deep loaded stretch causes a large build-up of mechanical tension. This ultimately leads to more muscle growth. Indeed, the crazy next-day soreness you get from these make them worthwhile.

Technique tips

2 // Eccentric Dumbbell Flye

Essentially this exercise is a press during the concentric portion and a flye on the eccentric/lowering phase. This allows you to use more weight than what you typically could during a normal dumbbell flye. As a result these overload the eccentric portion of the exercise.

Overloading the eccentric phase with additional weight causes a large amount of mechanical tension, as well as muscle tissue breakdown. Both activate key mechanisms responsible for making those pecs pop.

Technique tips

3 // Far-Away Cable Flye

Like a traditional standing cable flye, however by making a few minor changes to it we make the exercise a completely different animal – and you won’t be sorry for trying it. 

If you have trouble ‘feeling’ your chest working during a training session then definitely give this exercise a try! The flye motion is from a high to low angle making this exercise a good candidate for lower chest development.

The sternal portion of your pectoral muscles creates that nice full shape and can have a big impact with your top off. By laying on a bench this variation really isolates the chest, taking out muscles that would otherwise assist. These are one of the best chest isolators around.

Technique tips

4 // Banded Machine Chest Press

For all those ‘functional training’ people out there that believe machines were invented by the Devil, I’d say ask yourself the question what are you training for? If you want to achieve some muscle growth then machines can often come in very handy, and when you feel like you haven’t got any more to give in workout it can be a good safe option to finish you off!

Most gyms should have some form of chest press machine. By wrapping a red or blue strength band around the back of the machine and on to the weights bar, an ordinary machine can become a super machine.

Adding a high quality resistance band to a chest press machine allows you to be able to compensate for what should be the stronger portion of the exercise; the top two-thirds, by increasing the resistance during this portion. You’re therefore not limited by your lack of strength during the stretched position off your chest, and pectoral muscle recruitment can be maximized throughout the entire movement.

Technique tips

This type of training is referred to as Variable Resistance Training, and can be useful for this purpose, as well as developing strength and power during certain movements, by adding resistance during the stronger portions of an exercise!

5 // Slider Press-Flye Combo

If you haven’t got a pair of core sliders in your gym bag then go and buy a pair. They’re so cheap and versatile, and can inject a bit of life in to your training routine, plus it would mean that you could perform this exercise.

If you think push-ups are easy then this exercise is for you. To be able to get in to double-digit reps with this exercise, nose to floor every time would be impressive. The Slider Press-Flye Combo is essentially a push-up on one side and a flye on the other.

It provides all the great benefits of both exercises, plus the bonus of the additional core work whilst you’re doing it. Therefore this exercise works as a great finisher towards the back end of your chest training session.

Technique tips

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