A FREE video consultation call with your prospective Coach to learn more about your past struggles, identify areas of improvement, and to map out your level-up plan going forwards.
A fully custom workout plan using specific phases of training to optimize your results. Built around you, and progressed based on how fast we're achieving set targets. No more wasted workouts and no more guesswork!
Anytime exercise form analysis, weekly photo and body stats check-ins, and unrivaled Coach feedback and communication.
© 2020 The Fitness Maverick
Photoshoot box ticked here for Gabriella. If 17 weeks prior you'd have told Gabriella she'd be doing a photoshoot then she'd probably run away. Anyway, she broke through that comfort zone and did it!!!
Gabriella got in the best shape of her life captured in this image, but this was for something even bigger, where just three weeks later she looked stunning on her wedding day.
Destiny is a truly inspirational client, and you can learn more where she shares her story on instagram @bikinigirl_vs_cancer This was a 12 week prep for a photoshoot, but with a lot more behind these photos than just that. 12 weeks and 7kg down with muscle build and health at an all time high. The journey continues.
See how to optimally perform every exercise with detailed videos, log your workouts to see personal bests, and allow your Coach to adjust your training based on how your body is responding to training. The exclusive Elite Physique Training app makes it easy to stay on track.
Flexible meal plans with exact portion sizes, and macronutrient targets for your individual goals, phases of training, and lifestyle.
We eliminate the guesswork, keep you lazer-focused on doing the things that work, and guide you every step towards your dream body!
These photos speak for themselves. Within 12 weeks Lea went from relative gym novice to earning the crazy results you see here.
After the initial transformation process Lea decided to compete in her first ever bikini competition where on the first try she qualified for USA Nationals!!!! Her hard work, discipline and ability to follow the plan we set out for her from day 1 made it all happen.