A FREE video consultation call with your prospective Coach to learn more about your past struggles, identify areas of improvement, and to map out your level-up plan going forwards.
A fully custom workout plan using specific phases of training to optimize your results. Built around you, and progressed based on how fast we're achieving set targets. No more wasted workouts and no more guesswork!
Anytime exercise form analysis, weekly photo and body stats check-ins, and unrivaled Coach feedback and communication.
© 2020 The Fitness Maverick
Every time you train you should KNOW that you're taking a step in the right direction. Zero confusion, no second guessing, and no wasted time or efforts.
As a new Dad Mark struggled to stay on top of his training, and eating the right foods to fuel his body. Then, Men's Health Magazine called. As the top sleep expert in the Netherlands Mark had the opportunity to be on the front cover of Men's Health Magazine if he could get in shape within 12 weeks!!!
In just 11 weeks we took an out of control "Dad bod" (photo left) to Men's Health Magazine cover model ready!
When you're ultra-focused, and showing up and doing the right things then big changes can happen fast! Mark is proof of this.
Meet Conrad. Years of training with endless "paralysis by over-analysis" resulted in inconsistency and lack of progress.
Once we eliminated the "what shall I do today" then the results started to follow. And fast! Not only did Conrad lose 11.3kg of fat, he also gained significant muscle strength including an extra 90lb on his bench press in just 15 weeks.
“I’ve always enjoyed the gym but felt like I plateaued. Elite Physique Training truly changed my life forever. My Coach changed the way I think about training and even made the food part enjoyable. My only regret is that I didn’t start sooner".
Meet Steve – the epitome of what it means to push past limits and transform your physique and mindset for the better! 6 months ago, Steve decided to take control and begin an all-out physique overhaul. He ditched an old "Coach" and cookie-cutter approach, and reached out to someone he knew would push him beyond his comfort zone.
It wasn't always easy. Steve faced countless setbacks and moments of self-doubt in. But let me tell you – this guy never gave up. He embraced the mindset that "success is inevitable when you believe in yourself", and that's exactly what happened in his case. Steve went from “average” 44 year old gym-goer to physique photoshoot-ready, shedding pounds, and sculpting lean muscle like never before.
See how to optimally perform every exercise with detailed videos, log your workouts to see personal bests, and allow your Coach to adjust your training based on how your body is responding to training. The exclusive Elite Physique Training app makes it easy to stay on track.
Flexible meal plans with exact portion sizes, and macronutrient targets for your individual goals, phases of training, and lifestyle.
We eliminate the guesswork, keep you lazer-focused on doing the things that work, and guide you every step towards your dream physique!
Alex was serious about his training and already committing 6 days each week to working out. Although he wasn't out of shape (picture left) he also didn't have the physique he aspired to work towards. These photos speak for themselves. With the exact training, guidance and accountability in both his training and diet, over 16 weeks Alex achieved the crazy results you see here. Having never done anything like it before, he also had the confidence to jump in front of a camera in a busy gym to capture his transformation. He stuck with the plan and he now has the body he'd been working towards for years prior!
Meet Joel. No stranger to the gym, but always struggling to achieve the level of muscular development and fat loss he aspired to. Joel got in touch with the goal of getting into the best shape, ultimately leading to a photoshoot.
Joel is a good example of how much your body can achieve with an exact structure in place and good coaching.
Not all firefighters are lean and jacked. This one is! Firefighting Officer Anthony undertook a rapid body transformation in preparation for the annual Greater Victoria Firefighters calendar. After 10 weeks of intensive training and dieting it's safe to say he's one of the calendar highlights.
With focused efforts and the right nutrition and training strategy results like these are within reaching distance.