A FREE video consultation call with your prospective Coach to learn more about your past struggles, identify areas of improvement, and to map out your level-up plan going forwards.
Fully customized and specific phases of training are developed by your Coach in order to optimize your results, and to ensure you're achieving all your targets. Get ahead of the competition with elite level programming!
Anytime exercise form analysis, weekly photo and body stats check-ins, and unrivaled Coach feedback and communication.
© 2020 The Fitness Maverick
Here we have Mens Physique Competitor Kojo. 16 week contest prep and Kojo won his first show. Later in the year Kojo took second place at the Arnolds amateur UK. With shows lined up in 2023 and a massive improvement season behind him then Kojo will be one to watch on the U.K. bodybuilding scene.
See how to optimally perform every exercise with detailed videos, log your workouts to see personal bests, and allow your Coach to adjust your training based on how your body is responding to training. The exclusive Elite Physique Training app makes it easy to stay on track.
Our secret to success is in our ability to keep our clients lazer-focused on doing the things that work, allowing them to finally start winning competitions.
Here we have Mens Physique Competitor Kieran. Due to health issues Kieran chose to transition out of Powerlifting and into bodybuilding. As you can clearly see it was a good move for him, and with the exact system and coaching in place managed to build a physique he never thought he was capable of achieving. These pics are 11 months apart, but Kieran competed in multiple shows in between.
Meet Mens Physique Competitor Vas. Who, in his first competition ever at the 2BrosEvents Naturals took home 1st in Juniors and 1st in Open Class. Not bad for a first-timer 'ey?! 12 weeks of prep and following the plan to the letter got him there. Everything was covered in Vas' support, including taking care of his training, nutrition, and posing resulting in consistent improvements and getting shaper each week during prep. Vas has a lot of potential and we're excited to continue to now build in the offseason.
Meet Joel. No stranger to the gym, but always struggling to achieve the level of muscular development and fat loss he aspired to. Joel got in touch with the goal of getting into the best shape, ultimately leading to a photoshoot. After this Joel decided to compete in his first ever Mens Physique competition where he placed 2nd in a busy show.
Joel is a good example of how much your body can achieve with an exact structure in place and good coaching.